towards rebirth

Shakespear in the Ruff

ten artists created Towards Rebirth, a three act play exploring the themes of  Rupture, Resilience, and Rebirth. This play used shakespearean text, original text, and new music to ask the question: how do we move forward together?

creator/performers: Stephen Jackman-Torkoff, desirée leverenz, and Tiffany Martin.

directing co-conspirator: Eva Barrie. costume co-conspirator: Rachel Forbes. dramaturg co-conspirator: Jeff Ho. set designer & technical director: Jareth Li. performance co-conspirator: Kaitlyn Riordan. sound co-conspirator: Miquelon Rodriguez. stage manager: Tamara Protic. assistant stage manager: Jenna Borsato. costume coordinator: Aslı Özüak. lead producer: Karthy Chin. COVID-19 site safety manager: Jarret Cody. Deaf community consultant: Elizabeth Morris. sound technician: Richard Ferren.

photos by: Elana Emer